I am an art historian and art Restauratrice with extensive experience in restoring paintings and painted objects. I am originally from Warsaw, Poland where I studied at the art school (Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, next to free painting, the Restoration & conservation.
In The Netherlands I have obtained Master art history at the University of Amsterdam and have been working as a restaurator for 30 years, the last twenty years. Master art history has deepened and strengthened my practical, material-technical knowledge.
I have extensive experience in restoring paintings on every carrier (cloth, panel, copper or paper) both old and contemporary.
The profession of restorer
The profession of restorer was performed differently a few decades ago: the painters restored paintings, furniture makers furniture, clockmakers broken clocks etc.
With the professionalization of the profession curator and Restaurator, guidelines have been drawn up by the international Museum Council (ICOM) and are used by all Dutch restorers who are members of the restorers Netherlands (RN). These ethical guidelines are summarized in a few points:
- Studying and reporting the current state of an object:
-The materials used in the manufacture and any subsequent ingerences;
-What factors were crucial for the emergence of the damage (climate, light, time, insects, human action).
- Determining and documenting the treatment methodology.
For more information about preserving and restoring paintings, click here